Chromebooks - Current Availability Issues

There may be some difficulty obtaining Chromebooks in Canberra currently. We are working within the directorate to be able to give parents purchasing options

While Chromebooks are our preferred device they may not be your family’s preferred device for a number of reasons, including availability. The Directorate has brokered a deal with Microsoft and as part of the online packages offered to schools students to download Microsoft Office 365 for free.

If you wish to install a copy of Office this can be done through the “Digital Backpack” (https://backpack.ed.act.edu.au ) using your student’s email address IDNumber@schoolsnet.act.edu.au and their password. These are the same credentials that they will use for Google Drive, and the box on their enrolment form for access to Microsoft 365 must be checked. The Directorate has produced some guides for your assistance:

Windows (http://issuu.com/actedu/docs/8471_etd_office365_install_windows_);

Mac (http://issuu.com/actedu/docs/8471_etd_office365_install_os_x_gui) (If you want to download this but don't appear to have access please contact the school to have Microsoft 365 activated,)

Learn, Anywhere: ICT for Students

The ACT Directorate is committed to providing students with reliable access to  ICT so that learning can occur whenever and wherever. For further information please click on the link below


ADHS Digital Citizenship

At ADHS, we are committed to educating students to become confident digital citizens.  To help achieve this, from 2016, each Year 7 student will complete the ADHS Pre-Digital Citizenship course. This course is a series of online modules which students are introduced to in class and complete at their own pace. These modules are designed to educate students about behaving responsibly online. We encourage parents to explore these modules with their children and discuss the issues raised.

Students: Did you lose the sheet about setting all your passwords and useful school website pages? Here it is: Keys to being a confident digital citizen @ ADHS

Cyber Smart

Relevant and useful information for parents and students on Cyber Safety is available by clicking on the following link:


Bring Your Own Device @ ADHS

ADHS is committed to using ICT to enhance and enrich student learning.

Our aim is to have every student working in an online environment.  We provide access to a variety of devices within the school for student use but to these ICT resources, we are encouraging current and future students to BYOD - Bring Your Own Device.

In this environment, students are encouraged to use the technology they bring to school every day to supplement and enrich their own learning.

Whilst any internet connected device can be beneficial in the classroom, ADHS recommends a number of devices that offer the each student the maximum benefit.

How does it work?
Which device do I need?
Frequently Asked Questions

Charging of mobile devices

We expect all personal devices to arrive at school fully charged. However, should students need to charge their devices at school they must:

  • use their personal charging cables
  • maintain control and responsibility for their devices at all times
  • maintain the devices and accessories in good working condition (i.e. no exposed wires, cracked or broken devices, transformer or plugs)
  • ensure that when charging devices they do not create Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) issues (e.g. creating trip hazards or blocking thoroughfares).

We do not provide cables or adapters to allow students to charge at school. Students may be asked to move or unplug their device if they are creating a WHS issue. Students may only charge where there are accessible power points.